第7章 纽伦堡受尊敬的人(6)
That result must have been discouraging for Hegel, but Niethammer found it even more depressing, since his ally in his fight had in effect declared one of the main goals of the “General Normative” to be virtually unattainable and not even worth the effort to salvage it. Rue¬ fully, Hegel had concluded that philosophy was not best taught in the Gymnasium at all, a conclusion that surely served to underscore for him his distance from what he took to be the true centers of his vocation. Hegel had to reassure Niethammer that it was not the “General Nor¬ mative” he was attacking, but only one small part of it (the idea that speculative philosophy should be a key element of Bavarian education), and that even that criticism was aimed not at Niethammer but “against myself, for on account of my audience I do not know how to get by with what is speculative, while on account of myself I do not know how to get by without it.”*"' Sadly, Hegel concluded that the ideal for the Gymnasium would be “Ciceronian philosophizing . . . but it is against my nature.
Modern Life and School Life
However discouraged Hegel was about philosophy in the Gymnasium in 1812, by 1816 he had become not nearly so discouraged by the course of events in the world. His beliefs about the way in which the Napo¬ leonic reforms were the social expression of certain key changes in how people had come to think of themselves, the course of their lives, and what they were committed to, seemed to be confirmed for him in the outcome of the Congress of Vienna and events since. In a metaphor that captured his sense of the direction of events, Hegel said to Nie¬ thammer in July 1816 that he held fast to the idea that “the world spirit has given the times the command to advance, and the command is being obeyed.”'5* The forces of the reaction have merely taken up the reforms and declared them to be matters they themselves have carried out, but “the sum and substance remains the same.”'^’* In order to genuinely turn back the clock, the forces of reaction would have to get people fully to alter their sell-identities and to commit themselves to modes of self-understanding that had already proved to be insufficient.
Hegel’s last graduation address in 1815 gave him a forum for asserting this more upbeat view to the assembled parents, students, and notables. In a somewhat muted rhetorical broadside against the hopes of the more conservative elements of the German population for a restoration of the pre-revolutionary social order, Hegel argued before the assemblage that it is an understandable mistake that '‘‘‘change so often presents itself as having the same meaning as loss," since when people continually find that the “fruits of their sacrifices are so often consigned into the future,” they will tend to fasten the “object of their yearnings to the past.”'” But rather than mourn for what has been, they should instead under¬ stand that “the world has given birth to a great epoch,”’” and that a genuine “insight into our times” “reveals in part the dawn” of a “day of essential improvement” in all things.’”
Social life had, to be sure, become more complex, and the kinds of tradition-bound private activi¬ ties that had previously been the warp and woof of social life had therefore to make way for the emerging and more rational (even if more complex) social order. In particular, he reminded them, the missions of school instruction must be reformed in light of certain social goals - in particular, that of freedom — and made independent of the private, arbitrary wishes of the parents, whose own wishes for their children’s personal development might be at odds with the aspirations of freedom in modern life.’”
All practices and institutions had to be integrated into the emerging life of the modern social order and made to fit into modern life’s overall goal of freedom, which itself made the reform of the schools necessary and the practical problems of pedagogy especially difficult. Sounding some older notes, Hegel noted that freedom’s being the goal of modern life does not imply that the schools should dispense with discipline, even though, as Hegel noted, “it is difficult to find the middle way between too great a freedom permitted for the children and too great a restriction of them.”’” But it is necessary in light of the goals of the “new times” to find a way to impose discipline in the schools not in the name of tradition but for the sake of educating the children so that as adults they would be able to direct their own lives and be at home in the emerging, modern world in which they would live.
Hegel also made it clear that he did not endorse any of the newfangled ideas about giving children complete and undisciplined freedom in the schools; that simply falsified the way in which humans become socialized and in fact under¬ mined the goals of making them into free adults.
Hegel also assured the parents that he did not mean to argue for the complete subordination of the individual to the state, only for an inte¬ gration of social life into a more rational form; “Much as on the one hand a limit must prevail as holy, within which the government of the state may not touch the private life of the citizens, so must the private lives of the citizens more closely assimilate those things connected with the purposes of the state and subordinate them to a methodical over¬ sight. Over this entire period, he had been likewise telling the stu¬ dents in his classroom that in the well-ordered, modern state, “the essential disposition of the citizens {Burger) vis-a-vis the state and its government is [not] to consist in the blind obedience of its commands . . . but rather trust in and insightful obedience to the state’s com¬ mands.”''’'
University Posts
Hegel also continued his efforts to secure a position for himself in a
university. Having done a commendable job of reorganizing the Gym¬
nasium and Nuremberg’s school system, he nevertheless began to feel
more and more isolated from what for him was the center of things;
he was a professor of the preparatory philosophical sciences in an in¬
stitution that he had come to think should not even be teaching phil¬
osophical sciences, and the great reform movements - especially after
the fall of Napoleon - seemed to be ready to take off without him.
A visitor and later friend, Sulpiz Boisseree (an art collector), noted that Hegel felt so isolated from major intellectual centers that he told Boisseree that if he did not already have a wife, he would certainly leave Nuremberg and (as he had done at Jena) take his chances with an unpaid lectureship at one university or another."’^ He wrote to his old friend Friedrich Frommann in April i8i6 inquiring about the possibility of a new professorship in Jena. Having heard that Schelling had been offered the position but had turned it down (since Schelling had a nonteaching, well-paid position in Munich at the Academy of the Plastic Arts), he of course wondered if he might be considered for the slot.
He also made a revealing comment to Frommann: “My first efforts there as a lecturer, from what I hear, left behind a prejudice against me. To be sure, I was a beginner, had not yet worked my way through to clarity, and was bound to the letter of my notebook in oral presentation. I have since acquired complete freedom through almost eight years’ practice at the Gymnasium, where one is constantly interacting in con¬ versation with one’s listeners and where being understood and express¬ ing oneself clearly by itself is of the utmost necessity.”'*^ Among his teenage students in Nuremberg, however, Hegel seems to have lost the anxiety (or at least a bit of it) that led to his infamously bad public speaking, and he (unfortunately falsely) believed that his difficulties in lecturing to university students had been only a temporary problem for which he had found the solution.
When Fries accepted the position in Jena that Hegel had earlier sought and thus vacated his position at Heidelberg (which Hegel had also earlier sought), Hegel inquired to Paulus in May 1816 about the possibility of his acquiring Fries’s newly unoccupied position, and he made the same point about his having overcome his old lecturing style, using almost identical words to describe the matter. (He also quite uncharacteristically says something nice about Fries in the letter, the one place in which he does so; but it was almost certainly not heartfelt and was most likely a feigned gesture of magnanimity in order not to come across to Paulus as a cranky, resentful fellow.)
Unfortunately, his anxiety about speaking authoritatively before
groups - about being the “professor” addressing an audience from the
lectern, a position he clearly and desperately wanted - was in fact never
to leave him. Although his lecturing style irritated no small number of
people, it also, curiously enough, helped to underwrite a kind of Ro¬
mantic appropriation of Hegel. His followers, from Jena to Berlin, were
inclined to take his monotonic delivery - punctuated by gasps, coughs,
and stutters - to be a sign of his great “interiority,” of the depths of his
genius struggling to bring those dark, difficult thoughts to the light of
day, rather than being the expressions of an anxious man doing some¬
thing that he loved but which also burdened him with no small amount
of agitation and anxiety.
The Misfired Offier from Berlin
Unknown to Hegel at this time, there was great maneuvering going on at Berlin University to fill the chair left empty by Fichte’s death in January 1814. Hegel had already inquired in 1814 to Paulus about the possibility of his taking Fichte’s position, but nothing had come of it. Paulus had reported back that he had no contacts of any importance in Berlin. Besides, as Paulus’s wife and Hegel’s friend sarcastically asked him, “Why would you want to be in sandy Berlin, where people drink wine out of thimbles.^Two years later, after intense political maneu¬ vering (during which Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette, a theology professor who had previously been at both Jena and Heidelberg during Hegel’s time, lobbied heavily for an appointment for his close friend Fries), the faculty decided to make Hegel an offer and voted decisively against Fries. However, de Wette continued his academic politics by going to the official responsible for overseeing the university, the min¬ ister of the interior, Kaspar Friedrich von Schuckmann, a self-styled “Kantian” who detested Schelling’s Naturphilosophie - indeed, who was deeply suspicious of all philosophers and whom Wilhelm von Humboldt once dismissively characterized as somebody filled with the utilitarian projects of the Enlightenment.
De Wette told von Schuckmann that Hegel was only another Schellingian, that his lectures were obscure, that his Logic was a confused mess, and that, besides. Fries was a good Kantian. To make his point, he also gave Schuckmann a copy of a novel by Fries, which (unfortunately for Fries’s and de Wette’s plans) had an effect exactly the opposite of that which was intended: Von Schuckmann’s immediate dislike of the novel sank Fries’s already foundering candidacy once and for all.
But von Schuckmann’s suspicions about Hegel had thus been aroused, and he undertook to see if Hegel’s lecture style was really as bad as it was reputed to be and if his philosophy really was just another form of the Schellingian system he so disdained. Professor Friedrich von Raumer, a professor of history at Berlin university, who was going on a visit to Nuremberg for other reasons, was thus informally commis¬ sioned by Schuckmann to visit Hegel and report back on what he found. The visit took place in the summer of 1816; von Raumer found that Hegel “received him in a very friendly way, and I spent several inter¬ esting evenings with him in diverse conversations with him. . . . His conversation was fluid and reasonable, so that I cannot believe that his professorial lectures would lack these properties.Von Raumer asked Hegel to sketch out a report on what he took to be goals of teaching philosophy at a university. Hegel wasted no time in responding, and wrote back to von Raumer on August 2, 1816. Hegel’s reply outlines his understanding of the state of post-Kantian idealism. metaphysics, he tells von Raumer, has vanished just like the constitutional law of the Holy Roman Empire has vanished.'*^ Both of them have, as it were, collapsed under the weight of their own shortcomings. Consequently, philosophy can be of value in the universities now, so Hegel argues, only if it takes a “methodical course.” This means, as Hegel outlined his position to von Raumer, that it must reject the idea that “thinking for oneselP’ (which Kant had identified with Enlightenment itself) is falsely opposed to learning the ways of philosophizing. As Hegel put it in his letter, philosophy is thus the basic science, even though the nature of its being basic is not such that it can be learned and understood apart from the other human endeavors on which it reflects: “Philosophy’s content,” he said, is “what is universal in spiritual and natural relation¬ ships [and] immediately leads for itself to the positive sciences ... to such an extent that conversely their study proves necessary to a thorough insight into philosophy.”'** In Hegel’s eyes, post-Kantian idealism had shown that the old ways of ordering the curriculum of philosophy needed to be changed; the new philosophical curriculum, Hegel claimed, should be ordered into the three spheres into which he had ordered his own system, namely, logic, philosophy of nature, and phi¬ losophy of spirit (which itself includes philosophical psychology, philo¬ sophical anthropology, morals, ethics, aesthetics and the philosophy of religion), along with the history of philosophy itself
That was not the end of the matter. Although von Raumer found himself very satisfied with the report (which he passed on sotto voce to Minister von Schuckmann), von Schuckmann himself decided that he needed to know more, and he therefore wrote Hegel a letter telling him that it had come to his attention that Hegel might be interested in a position at his university, but that, since Hegel had been out of univer¬ sity teaching for some time, “doubt has been raised” about his ability to return to university lecturing, and indeed, that doubt has been raised about whether Hegel had the “skills” necessary to give “lively presen¬ tations” before the youthful students of Berlin.'*'' The letter reached Hegel near the end of August i8i6. The tone was certainly deprecatory, but Hegel did not have to take offense. Although Hegel had already learned of Berlin’s interest in him some time before he received that letter, by the time the letter finally arrived another offer had come forth: His reputation and contacts had finally landed him an offer of a position at Heidelberg, and he had, after some negotiation about salary, happily accepted.
事情尚未有结果。尽管冯·劳默尔对这份报告感到满意(该报告被他私下传给冯·舒克曼审阅),但冯·舒克曼决定他需要作更多的了解。因此,他给黑格尔写了一封信,信中提到,他已经注 意到黑格尔可能对大学教授职位感兴趣,但由于黑格尔已经很久不在大学教书了,校方对他重返大学讲课的能力“提出质疑”,更确切地说,校方质疑黑格尔是否具备面对柏林青年学子进行“生动讲演”所必 需的“技巧”。这封信在1816年8月底送到了黑格尔手中。黑格尔的口气无疑不以为然,但他未必动气生怒。尽管黑格尔在接到这封信之前的一段时间里已经得知柏林大学对他很感兴趣,但当他收到这封信时,另一所大学已经向他发出了邀请:他的声望和人脉终于为他赢得了海德堡大学的职位。经过对薪水问题的某种商谈后,他愉快地接受了这个职位。
Heidelberg had been looking for a person to fill a professorship in philosophy for some time, and Hegel had not been at the top of their list. One of the others on the list, Hegel’s old nemesis and a Jacobi confidante, Koppen, had been ruled out when it was pointed out that a book he had written on natural law consisted in some parts of line-forline copies of parts of Fries’s book on the same subject.'