<Cheaper by the Dozen>儿女一箩筐
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<Cheaper by the Dozen>097

Release date: 2003-12-25

Type: Comedy/Family

Running time:98mins

Recommendation Rate:

Four questions:

1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?

A family's happiness depends on a kid's happiness, and a kid's happiness needs love and careness.

2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).

A/ Mark caught his frog on the lamp, the frog jumped in the plate which made a mess for the whole family. The parents didn't angry and even not change their voice. That's the hardest for me, kids sometimes can drive me crazy. How can they live with 12 kids? Can't imagine. But I do know, love kids with unconditional love, just easier said than done!

B/ Mark's frog died, no one listen to him. He has no feeling of existence, so he ran away. He wanna go back to the small town, that is his favorite place. Everyone needs to be cared, especially kids, parents are too busy to take good care of them, there maybe some problems. Not only Mark, but also their eldest son who is unhappy in the new school and was kicked out of the soccer team. He wanna talk to his father, but no time for him. They all angry with their busy parents. Kids needs accompion and attention.

C/ Twelve kids show the love cards, I was touched. So does the father. What a spectacular scene! The father decided give up his dream and go back to the small town. So does the author mum, no signing session and interviews for her new books. In their hearts, kids are the most precious and valuable thing they care about.

3、What did you learn from the movie?

Comparing with raising kids well, nothing is important. 

4、The background of the story.

A big family with 12 kids, from 5-22 years old. When parents wanna pursue their dream, they have to move to Chicago, life changed. Things happened.

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