The lion king
2024-10-08 05:50  浏览:827  搜索引擎搜索“爱农网”
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The lion king show started,I am very scared at the beginning,but when I step on the stage,I think I’m not the me I remember,I’m Simba,mufasa’s son.

After the show,I’m still think about The lion king show,it tell’s bravery,courage,grown up and learning,but,can simba disagree to be the king? What will happen?I think the pride rock will be ,destroyed,and simba was failed Mufasa,and himself.Why simba will failed himself?

He failed himself’s hart inside,he disobay’ed it,his hart told him to be the wise king just like Mufasa.Simba fallos his hart,he chose to come back to pride rock and fight with Scar for his kingdom,justice and peace,this is the true  royal king.

scar may have killed Mufasa,and be the king but this king is not good at all,he just bring deserted(荒凉),hunger and more bad things to pride rock,so,the royal king can beat the bad,fake king.just like peace can beat evil.

I onece had a challenge,it’s a taekwondo (跆拳道)race,and I want to abstention(弃权),but I think’s about Samba,I need to fight for my class,and fight for myself.I try’s.In the first play,I lost,but I still dicieded to play the second“battle”,my teacher tells me how to win,and,I try’s again,but this time,I won!

In the lion king show I’v grown,and I’m waiting for the next show!

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  • 晨曦
  • 2024-10-08浏览:1071