第7章 纽伦堡受尊敬的人(2)
In addition to these social difficulties, Hegel had to deal with the problem of the decrepit Nuremberg school system itself. An official Bavarian report in 1807 on the state of the Nuremberg schools had essentially declared them to be worthless as preparatory schools for any higher study (such as the university) and argued that the four existing schools would have to be completely rebuilt from the ground up, administratively and pedagogically. They were described as being utterly backward, run by antiquated guilds, and taught according to outmoded models of pedagogy. (The report noted quite caustically, for example, that “outside of the Bible and the songbook, no new useful manual of religion has been introduced. The teachers are mostly old and wholly useless.”)^^ But there were also some encouraging signs which offered Hegel hope in his new job. The local school commissioner to whom he had to answer was Heinrich Paulus, the rationalist theologian, who was not only an old friend from Jena but was also yet another fellow Swabian graduate of the Seminary in Tubingen; Paulus even wrote Hegel a nice congratulatory letter telling him how happy he was to learn that Hegel was to be in Nuremberg.Unfortunately, and unknown to Hegel at the time, the reformers in Munich really had no idea what things cost and were embarking on too many plans and issuing too many directives for which they simply did not have the money. Indeed, Hegel could not have known that because the reformers themselves did not know it; the result was that by 1811, the Bavarian kingdom was running a debt of 120 million Guilder.^"* Paulus jested to Hegel that as an idealist, Hegel would keep all of them free of contamination by “the material, dirty essence of Mammon,” joking (in English!) to Hegel, “God damn all the Idealism.But little did both of them know just how bad things really were. It had taken the whole set of Napoleonic reforms for France finally to get a realistic hold on its own budget, on what things really cost, and on what kinds of revenues could be rationally predicted and assumed; the reformers in Bavaria were just beginners, and they were essentially groping in the dark, employing a mixture of small parts of more modern economics and lots of old fashioned cameralist assumptions, stirred together with large amounts of practical ignorance.
Difficulties with Teaching Duties
In addition to these difficulties, Hegel also had to assume his duties with very little information about what they were or even what he was supposed to be teaching. Everything was put off until the last minute, so that Hegel in effect had to begin his term as rector and professor by improvising on an almost daily basis. only at the very end of November did he learn in a letter from Paulus what the “General Normative” was to require him to implement, and on December 5, 1808, Paulus opened the Gymnasium with a celebratory speech, with Hegel shortly thereafter - December 12, 1808 - officially beginning instruction in the Gymnasium.
The chaos of the financial arrangements concerning the Gymnasium became apparent to Hegel immediately on assuming office. Directly after having been sworn in, Hegel began to note that the promised money and resources necessary to run the new institution of the Agidien-Gymnaisium (so named for the church next to it, the Agidien Church on the Agidienberg) were wholly lacking. The walls were stained, lots of details had been neglected, and money to take care of those things was simply unavailable. Unfortunately, things did not improve in this regard very rapidly. During his tenure as rector, Hegel accumulated a long list of legitimate complaints that he had regularly to lodge with the relevant authorities: His salary would often go unpaid for months; because his salary was not paid, he had to take out loans simply to live; he had to meet school expenses out of his own pocket; the bookseller for the students charged them more for the books than did other booksellers; there was no copyist (or secretarial assistant, as we might say today), so Hegel had to copy out all the mounds of official paperwork himself (“the most annoying aspect of my office ... a dreadful and repugnant waste of time,” he called it);^'’ and the list just grew and grew.
Moreover, there had been a confusion at the outset regarding the size of Hegel’s salary. Hegel had actually taken a cut in salary to move from Bamberg to Nuremberg, and Nuremberg’s cost of living was higher. His remuneration was supposed to include goo Guilders as professor, 100 Guilders as rector, and free lodging - he had been making over 1,300 Guilders as a newspaper editor in Bamberg - but the local administrator had interpreted this as 900 Guilders and free lodging or no lodging and an extra too Guilders; lodging, as Hegel noted, would itself come out to at least too Guilders. A bit piqued by all this, Hegel told Niethammer, “If this is the case I must confess that I would gladly cede the rectorship to anybody” and that if the administrator’s interpretation would allowed to stand, “I have to request you to take the rectorship away from me.”^’ An extra too Guilders for being rector did not seem nearly enough to make it worth the trouble.
Of all these things, the one that seemed to Hegel to sum up the shortcomings of the new Bavarian order was the fact that no toilets at all were installed in any of the buildings housing any of the schools; and the idea that there were no toilets in a building in which schoolchildren were supposed to spend the entire day was, well, just ludicrous: Reporting back to Niethammer, Hegel sarcastically said of the toiletless state of affairs obtaining in the Nuremberg schools that “this is a new dimension of public education, the importance of which I have just now discovered - so to speak, its hind side.”^* With equal sarcasm, Hegel added that it would be nice to manage to have the requisite toilets installed, “provided, of course, they are actually installed and not just decreed,” and, adding to his reflections on the difficulties awaiting him, “you will be able to imagine for yourself how little such shabby external conditions . . . are geared to instilling the confidence of the public, seeing that provision has been made for nothing, and that money is lacking everywhere.For Hegel, it had not been an auspicious beginning; and the toilet problem itself was to endure for years.
Hegel’s Success as Administrator and Teacher
But despite the practical obstacles - which, as his letters make clear, irritated him to no end - he managed to put the Gymnasium on a successful footing and to instill confidence in it. As one of his first acts he managed to shift around some of the less productive faculty members without antagonizing them at the same time. For example, he notes that he had “to remove Professor Buchner, who understands nothing of algebra, from teaching mathematics to the upperclassmen and to put him in charge of religious studies and the doctrine of obligations for the lower classmen.”'^” Hegel quickly gained the respect of the children, addressing the older students as “Mister” {Herr), a way of treating them with respect so that they would come to think of themselves as selfdirecting young adults and no longer as children in tutelary care. (In that way, he was being consistent with the post-Kantian pedagogical goals he and Niethammer shared, that education should be aimed at treating people as ends in themselves and fostering a sense of selfrespect.) He maintained a sense of discipline and order in his classes and put great stress on being able to take good dictation and render things into good, clear German. (His own speech, as the students and his colleagues remembered, was itself thick with his Swabian accent and laden with Swabian expressions.^' Hegel’s own attitude toward his Swabian accent and mannerisms was typical of his self-distancing nature; he even once good-naturedly told the Frommanns that their nephew, who was going to visit Stuttgart, “at first will doubt whether [its Swabian inhabitants] actually speak German.
His students remembered him as an inspiring teacher; after dictating things to them, he encouraged the students to discuss what had been dictated, to learn to think for themselves and to ask questions: One student remembered that “each could demand to speak and seek to assert his opinion vis-a-vis the others; the rector himself only instructively stepped in now and then in order to guide the discussion.Just as he had done at Jena, he paid much attention to his students and their needs, even though these students were much younger and obviously not nearly as advanced as the university students at Jena. once a year, all the students in the Gymnasium — which in 1811, for example, amounted to 126 children - had to bring all their work, including their homework, to the rector, who would read all of it and make personal recommendations for improvement, would discuss with them the books they were reading outside of class, offer them tips for better study, and praise them for the progress they were making (when they were making any, which was frequent).(All this was carried out in addition to his other administrative duties as rector, his sixteen hours a week teaching philosophy, and his own private work on the Logid) He was also particularly remembered for his concern and care for students who came from backgrounds of slender means, a concern that stayed with him all his life.35
Schelling’s friend Gottlob Schubert, who also knew Hegel in Nuremberg, reminisced later that those who knew Hegel only “from his writings or in his lecture hall” simply could not know “how amiable this man was in his personal relations” and, like many others, remembered especially well Hegel’s sense of humor and, interestingly, his very characteristic smile.“ Indeed, the reminiscences of the students in those days attest to an ongoing feature of Hegel’s personality that was often at odds with other descriptions of him. He had always been a bad public speaker and lecturer; even at the Seminary in Tubingen, his sermons had been given low marks. The writer Clemens Brentano described him in 1810 as the “honest, wooden Hegel” in Nuremberg, a not untypical description.^’ But others in descriptions and recollections continually remarked on Hegel’s amiability and sociability along with his honesty, sincerity, and uprightness. Hegel almost certainly had a very common type of speech impediment; when he had to speak formally before groups, he was led either to stutter or to lecture in slow, groping monotones; his (apparently well deserved) reputation for being a bad lecturer seemed to stem mainly from that. However, in personal situations, he seemed to be quite at ease and not troubled by such matters, again typical for such a speech impediment. And, like the nineteenthcentury man he was, he had a very keen sense of privacy, becoming uncomfortable when people became very personal with him in what he regarded as public situations. In the small-class situations of the Nuremberg Gymnasium his difficulties in public speaking, however, seem not to have played a role, probably because of the age of the students and the necessarily more relaxed way in which he presented his ideas; in the Gymnasium classroom, he seems to have been both fluid and friendly in his demeanor.
Hegel's Public Addresses
Very quickly he succeeded in convincing both students and parents that the Agidien-Gymnasium had been restored to its former glory. Just as he had done in Bamberg, Hegel managed to secure a place for himself in the social structure of the city rather quickly, which in a traditionbound former imperial city such as Nuremberg was itself no small feat. Hegel, moreover, made his goals and pedagogy publicly available and clear from the outset. In his address at the farewell festivities for the retiring rector (a Mr. Schenk) whose place Hegel was taking, Hegel returned to the ideas of self-direction and self-cultivation (of Bildung) that animated both his and Niethammer’s conception of education: Stating the matter a bit floridly, as was the custom for such occasions, he said, “The value of cultivation, self-formation {Bildung) is so great that one ot the ancients wished to say that the difference between a cultivated {gebildeten) person and an uncultivated one is as great as that between people in general and rocks,” and added, “The riches of Bildung are given over to the teaching estate ... to sustain and transmit to posterity. The teacher must look at himself as the guardian and priest of this holy light so that it does not go out and that humanity not sink back into the night of ancient barbarism.”^*
At the beginning of his tenure, Hegel had to make a yearly public address at the ceremony marking the end of the school year at which the academic prizes for that year were awarded (a kind of annual graduation address). In those addresses, he spoke to a gathering of the students, their parents, and the various Nuremberg notables who would assemble for such occasions; the addresses give a clear idea both of what Hegel wanted to communicate to the public about his goals for the Gymnasium and of his own pedagogical methods. Given the way in which Hegel came to be accepted in Nuremberg society, we must presume not only that he did succeed in actually communicating his views, but also that he succeeded in both convincing and reassuring the parents that the rector who had been brought in from the outside was in fact right for the job.
In his first such address, delivered in September, 1809, Hegel faced the formidable task of convincing a somewhat skeptical public and set of parents of the value of what he was doing. He began by noting the obvious, that people care more about their children than anything else and that the Gymnasium's task was to help their children develop into young adults suited for higher learning. He then sounded the clarion call for the Niethammer-Hegelian modernizing line of thought. The new Gymnasium was to build on the foundations of classical humanist learning, which, he assured the parents and public, amounted to sustaining and continuing the illustrious humanistic foundations and traditions of the older Gymnasium. But the goal of the new foundation of the older Gymnasium was to “fulfill the truest need of the time . . . putting the ancients into a new relationship with the whole and in that way sustaining what is essential in them as well as altering and renewing them.”^'^
Hegel proposed two ways to accomplish this. First, instruction would be carried out in German, not in Latin, as the old so-called Latin schools in Germany had done: Hegel repeated in similar words what he had told Heinrich Voss in 1805 when he was inquiring about the possibility of an appointment at Heidelberg: “No people can be regarded as cultivated {gebildet),^’’ as Hegel put it in 1809, “that cannot express all the riches of science in their own language” for when instruction is in a foreign language, we necessarily lack the “innerness {Innigheity that allows us to be at home with the knowledge we seek."^”
Second, the superiority of classical training, particularly in Greek, was to be emphasized in the new school. Hegel’s public justification for this was striking, if for no other reason than for its continued application of clearly secularized versions of religious references. First, classical works, he says, are the “profane baptism that gives the soul the first and unforgettable tone and tincture for taste and science.”"^' The study of the ancients thus inspires us and in a good way alienates us from our ordinary way of looking at things, making us ready to become selfforming, cultivated people - people, that is, of Bildungd^ Second, and more importantly, classical works present us with an ideal of beauty, indeed, they are the “most beautiful that have been.”
In characterizing the Greeks in this way, Hegel brought into play a phrase which had functioned as common rhetoric in Germany in general and Wiirttemberg in particular, namely, “the beautiful soul.” The usage of the phrase “the beautiful soul” had originally been wholly religious, but the phrase had undergone a gradual secularization during the early modern period (particularly by the earl of Shaftesbury) and had then been used in the eighteenth century to describe the Greeks in particular. Picking up on this, Hegel claimed, “If the original paradise was that of human nature, then this is the second, the higher paradise of the human spirit, which in its more beautiful naturalness, freedom, depth, and serenity steps forth like the bride from her chamber”'*^ - that metaphor of the beautiful virginal “bride” having been the characteristic symbol of the beautiful soul for centuries.”^ This shows that Hegel, who had criticized the idea of the “beautiful soul” so trenchantly in his Phenomenology of Spirit, was still at least partially in its grip (unless, of course. he was just playing to his audience, which, given everything else we know about Hegel, seems unlikely).
Learning the classical languages has another advantage, Hegel argued. It brings youth to a greater awareness of the nature of the kind of logical categories they use, since “grammar has the [logical] categories, the unique creations and determinations of the intellect, for its content.” Everyone can “distinguish red from blue without knowing how to give a definition of them according to Newtonian hypotheses” but we have Bildung vis-a-vis them only when “we have them, i.e., have made them an object of consciousness.”^^ The study of the ancients thus also contributes to our “logical formation {Bildung)."'*^
学习古典语言还有一个优点,黑格尔论证道。 它能够让青年学子更大程度上意识到他们所使用的逻辑范畴种类的本质,因为“语法因自己的内容而具有[逻辑]范畴或理智的独特创造性和确定性”。每个人都能“区分红色和蓝色,纵使他们不知道如何依据牛顿假说对蓝色和红色作出定义”。但是,只有当我们“具有红色和蓝色、也就是,使得红色和蓝色变成意识的对象的时候”,“我们才能具有关于蓝色和红色的知识。对于古典著作的学习因此同样有助于我们的‘逻辑构成’”。
In closing, Hegel sounded a fully modernist note. One of the catch phrases to emerge from the Revolution was the idea of “careers open to talent.” Hegel closed his remarks by addressing the students directly, saying that the purpose of the Gymnasium was to bring that ideal to Germany, to make it practicable in Germany, so “that in our fatherland every career stands open to your talents and diligence, but it is only practicable for those who deserve it.”'^’
在演讲快要结束时,黑格尔发出了一种完全现代主义的呼声。 从法国大革命中诞生的流行口号之一是“任人唯贤”的思想。黑格尔以直接向学生们寄语结束了他的评论,他说高级中学的目的就在于把这样的理想带到德国,就在于使它在德国变得切实可行,这样的话,“在我们的祖国,每一份职业都向你们这些勤奋的有才能的人敞开怀抱,但是它只对那些配得上它的人来说才是切实可行的。”
Nuremberg Rebellions
Although Hegel had come to Nuremberg secure in his belief that Napoleon had crushed the conservative resistance to the Revolution’s demands, events quickly reminded him that the story was far from over. Napoleon’s imperial ambitions grew, and he overextended himself, going into Spain on the pretext of needing to defend the Spanish coast against the British. (He also wanted to put his brother on the throne of Spain, a motive not unimportant to his decision.) At first, the Spanish adventure seemed to be working itself out as the typical Napoleonic success, but then to his surprise, the Spanish revolted and engaged him in guerrilla warfare, something to which he was not accustomed, and in July, 1808, a French army of 18,000 men was forced to capitulate to Spanish forces at the town of Bailen, an astonishing event noted throughout Europe. Napoleon was able to reinstate his brother as king in December, 1808, but the costs were excessive. In Italy in the same year, Napoleon annexed Rome, and when Pope Pius VII excommunicated him, Napoleon had him seized and put him under the equivalent of house arrest in a highly guarded residence in Savona. These events did not neutralize the Pope, as Napoleon had wished to do, but instead made him into a Catholic martyr. The Austrians, sensing a weakness in Napoleon’s ranks, thus declared war in 1809, with the declaration of war being authored by Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel’s old nemesis from Jena, who had since (along with his wife) moved to Austria, converted to Catholicism, and become more or less a propagandist for the Habsburgs. The authorities in Austria tried to cast their cause in the name of “Germany” and to foment a kind of popular guerrilla war in Germany like that which had come to pass in Spain. In Schlegel’s “Proclamation to the Bavarians,” a piece of Austrian war propaganda, he asserted that “We [Austrians] are Germans every bit as much as you are. . . . All those who are imbued with a true German patriotism will be powerfully supported, and, if they so deserve, richly rewarded by their former emperor, who did not resign his German heart along with his German crown.Napoleon, however, once more proved master of the situation and, even after being wounded in one battle and then suffering his first defeat at Aspern, managed to capitalize on Austrian mistakes and defeat the Austrians at Wagram in July 1809. His army smoothly rolled into Vienna (after having been driven out only a short while before), and Napoleon was able to impose a punishing treaty on Austria.
Hegel, who had never liked Schlegel, now thoroughly and utterly detested him, and he could barely contain himself at the defeat suffered by the Austrians. Playing on Schlegel’s stated desire to “liberate” Bavaria, Hegel said, with a certain amount of what the Germans call Schadenfreude, “the opposite liberation of Friedrich Schlegel with his Catholicization of all of us has gone down the drain, and he may consider himself lucky if only the gallows remain liberated from him.”^^ He was, however, a bit rattled by the events in Nuremberg that were related to the war with Austria. An Austrian division reached Nuremberg in June 1809, and the French forces in the town had to retreat. On June 26, 1809, as Hegel was writing a letter to Niethammer to complain as usual about the lack of a copyist and the idiotic bureaucratic decrees that Bavarian officials were issuing for running the schools, the Austrians took control of the city. Matters were made worse when Countess von Thiirheim imprudently referred to the Austrians in a public gathering as “a bunch of hirelings (Gesindef) made up of cobblers, tailors, and linen weavers {Schustern, Schneidern und Leinwehern)," and thereby managed to insult, enrage, and alienate the assembled Nuremberg artisans, many of whom still had greater feelings for the former emperor of the Holy Roman Empire than they did for their new king in Munich.^" Outraged, the offended artisans rushed out to open one of the gates to the city and allow the Austrian troops to enter, at which point things began to get a bit out of hand. The Austrian troops and some townspeople went on something of a rampage, focusing their destructive energies in particular on a building housing Bavarian officials. The Bavarian insignias were torn down, and the whole place was sacked. Count von Thiirheim, the Bavarian governor of the district, was seized by what some called the “rabble” and was then taken prisoner by the Austrians, who took him and a few other prominent Nuremberg officials as hostages when they had to retreat to Bayreuth. (They also took quite a bit of Nuremberg money and goods with them.) Even though the hostages were freed after the later and rather sudden Austrian retreat from Bayreuth, von Thiirheim’s career in Nuremberg was finished as a result of the fiasco, and he had to move on. Nuremberg’s sympathy for the Austrians, however, did not go unnoticed in Munich, and in the reorganization of Bavaria in 1810, Nuremberg was no longer allowed to remain the governmental seat of a Bavarian department, with Ansbach instead gaining that title.
黑格尔,从不喜欢施莱格尔的黑格尔,现在更是满心讨厌施莱格尔。黑格尔对拿破仑被奥地利人打败几乎不能自已。实现施莱格尔陈述的“解放”巴伐利亚的愿望,黑格尔说,这在某种程度上等于德国人称之为的幸灾乐祸,“弗里德里希·施莱格尔的对立的解放连同他想要使我们所有人都皈依天主教,此二者是做不到的;他大概只要远离恐惧就自认为是幸运的。”然而,黑格尔被发生在纽伦堡的与奥地利战争相关的事件弄得有点忐忑不安。奥地利的一个师于1809年7月抵达纽伦堡,镇上的法国军队不得不撤退。1809年7月26日,黑格尔照常致信尼特哈默尔抱怨抄写员人手不够,抱怨巴伐利亚官员颁布的管理学校的白痴般的官僚政令,而此时奥地利人控制了纽伦堡城。事情变得更糟的是,此时蒂尔海姆伯爵鲁莽地把参加公开聚会的奥地利人说成是“一群由鞋匠、裁缝、亚麻布纺织者(Schuster, Schneider, Leineweber)组成的流氓(Gesinde)”,从而侮辱、激怒、疏远了纽伦堡手艺人,他们其中的很多人对昔日神圣罗马帝国皇帝仍怀有深情厚谊,而不是对慕尼黑新国君怀有深情厚谊。由于受到侮辱,手艺人奔出去打开了通往纽伦堡城的一道大门,并允许奥地利军队进驻。在这个关键时刻局势开始有点失去控制。奥地利军队和某些城里人引起暴乱,把精力特别集中在对一栋居住着巴伐利亚官方的官邸的破坏上。巴伐利亚徽章被扯了下来,整个官邸被洗劫一空。蒂尔海姆伯爵,这位巴伐利亚地区统治者,被一些所谓“乌合之众”抓了起来,接着成了奥地利人的阶下囚。当奥地利人不得不从拜罗伊特撤退时,他们掳走了蒂尔海姆伯爵和几位其他杰出的纽伦堡官员作为人质。(他们也掠夺了纽伦堡大量钱财和物品。)尽管人质在奥地利人突然从拜罗伊特撤退不久后就被释放,但是蒂尔海姆伯爵的纽伦堡官运却因此次惨败而告终,他不得不离开纽伦堡。不过,纽伦堡对奥地利人的同情并没有逃过慕尼黑的眼睛,在1810年对巴伐利亚重组后,纽伦堡不复被允许继续保留巴伐利亚部门的政府席位,而安斯巴赫则获得了这个资格。
Hegel reported on the incident of the brief Austrian seizure of Nuremberg to Niethammer, expressing utter and thorough outrage at the behavior of the Nuremberg citizenry.^' But at least for the time being, things had turned out well. On the one hand, Napoleonic Germany, to which Hegel was so firmly attached, had remained intact, and for the next couple of years would again seem perfectly secure. On the other hand, Hegel, with his clearly pro-Napoleonic sympathies, would have understandably been a bit nervous about his standing in a town that had witnessed such an outbreak of pro-Austrian sentiment and also a bit nervous about the stability of what he saw as the clearly more rational social order that Napoleon had brought to Germany.
黑格尔向尼特哈默尔简要汇报了奥地利人占领纽伦堡这一事件,并对纽伦堡公民的举动表达极大的愤慨:“但是,至少随着时间的推移,事情逐步出现转机。一方面,拿破仑统治下的德国,这个为黑格尔所坚定地依恋的德国,仍然是完 整无缺的,在随后几年中,德国将复又太平无事。另一方面,黑格尔,明显怀有亲拿破仑之心的黑格尔,可以理解他当然对自己对一个见证了亲奥地利情绪爆发的城市所持有的立场感到有点儿坐卧不安,同时可以理解他当然也对他所看到的一种由拿破仑带给德国的显然更为合理的社会秩序的稳定感到有点坐卧不安。”
As a result of all this Hegel became even a bit more troubled than before about his position in Nuremberg and about whether he would ever be able to get out of his rectorship and acquire the university position he really wanted. Hegel’s anxieties were certainly not lessened by observing the ongoing battles that Niethammer constantly had to fight with those who opposed the reforms and the several close calls Niethammer had, in which it looked as if Niethammer either would be forced out or would be impelled to resign in indignation over the whole state of affairs. Hegel’s hopes were raised when, out of the blue in 1809, he received a letter from a former student of his in Jena, Peter van Ghert, informing him that van Ghert now had a fairly high position in the government in Holland and had read in a Heidelberg newspaper of Hegel’s bad fortune after the devastation of Jena following the battle there. Proclaiming himself to be outraged at the very idea that Hegel “had been wholly ruined . . . that the best man in Germany” was no longer employed as a professor of philosophy, van Ghert offered to intervene for Hegel and procure for him a position at one of the soonto-be reorganized universities in Holland.(The lectures were given in Latin, van Ghert assured Hegel, so there would be no linguistic barriers for him.) Hegel was quite pleasantly surprised by all of this and reported back to van Ghert in December 1809 that he was not in fact ruined, that his position in Nuremberg was, moreover, “tolerable,” although he hoped only “temporary,” so that the offer of a position in Holland was not needed at that time. (Interestingly, Hegel noted that if he did indeed accept a position in Holland, he would intend to deliver lectures in Dutch soon thereafter, making the same point about the necessity of doing philosophy in one’s own language to van Ghert that he had made in his address at the closing of the school year in 1809.) Hegel’s rejection of van Ghert’s offer to help him secure a position in Holland did not stop him, however, from using it as a tool to put pressure on Niethammer to secure a position for him at a Bavarian university, all to no avail.Van Ghert’s efforts to attract Hegel to Holland, however, did not end there but persisted over the next several years; indeed, van Ghert’s patronage and his spirited defenses of Hegelianism made Holland one of the early places where a Hegelian school of thought sprang up.
Education, Modern Life, and Modern Religion
Bildung, Discipline, and Education
Hegel’s initial address at the closing of the school year in 1809 must have been a success, but for whatever reason he felt compelled to alter his tone a bit in 1810. In 1810, he stressed the importance of religious education, for which he gave a somewhat secular rationale, namely, that “participation in a public worship” links students to a “tradition and to old customs.Military practices, which had been introduced by governmental decree into the schools that year, were justified by Hegel as important for producing a well-rounded character. After all, he argued, a “cultivated {gebildeter) person has in fact not limited his nature to something in particular but rather has made himself capable of everything,” and moreover, such practices remind the student that he must be ready to “defend his fatherland or prince.(This was, of course, a theme that went back in Hegel’s thought at least to his essay “The German Constitution,” although the claim made in the 1810 address seems at best only half-hearted.)